UnderMine Wiki
UnderMine Wiki


Familiars are creatures that follow the peasant and perform actions for them. For example, the Canary is a familiar and its level 1 ability is collecting gold for the peasant. Each familiar has 3 levels, and they increase those levels by performing actions, and traveling deeper into the UnderMine. When the peasant dies, and a run is over, the familiar returns to level 1. Each time a familiar levels up, it gains a new ability. For example, when the Canary levels up to level 2, it increases gold income for the peasant in addition to also picking up gold. Each familiar has a theme, and supports a different kind of build and playstyle.

The Familiars:

Canary Canary
The canary helps the peasant pick up gold and works well with resource strategies
Firebird Firebird
The Firebird fires large fireballs at enemies and helps support fire based builds
Thunderbird Thunderbird
The Thunderbird fires lighting at enemies and helps support lightning based builds
Sylph Sylph
The Sylph allows the peasant to pray more often and with reduced cost, supporting blessing based builds
Spirit Spirit
The Spirit lets the peasant carry more potions and helps with potion based builds
Nikko Nikko
Nikko, the flying monkey, pounds enemies in melee, and helps the peasant critical strike more often
Sol's Phoenix Sol's Phoenix
The Phoenix is a defensive familiar and will heal the peasant when they take damage
Djinn Djinn
The Djinn is crafty and will uncover secrets for the peasant

Other Features and Content[]

  • Introducing the Big Chest:
  • Opened for 3 keys
  • Spawns only in the Dungeon and beyond
  • Can appear where other chests do
  • Contains a lot of gold, a guaranteed ham, and some other things
  • Interacts with chest related things like LeftoversLeftovers and Empty CoffersEmpty Coffers
  • Added the rare relic: Cosmic EggCosmic Egg
  • Cosmic EggCosmic Egg increases the rate that familiars gain experience
  • Added the common potion: BiscuitsBiscuits
  • BiscuitsBiscuits increases the rate that familiars gain experience for a limited time
  • Added many new encounters to the Goldmine, Dungeon, and Halls
  • Added a video option to constrain the mouse cursor inside the game window
  • Added Library KeyLibrary Key
  • Changed rarity of CanaryCanary: Common > Rare
  • Added 5 new achievements:

Ach pilfers gift Everyone Be Cool, This is a Robbery
[Click to show]Found the Pilfer's Gift
Ach unlock collector Behind the Bookcase
Discovered Griswold, the Collector
Ach breeder 1 Breeder I
Hatched a new egg
Ach breeder 2 Breeder II
Hatched 5 new eggs
Ach familiar max level Familiar with Familiars
Raise a familiar to maximum level
  • Changed This Familair has yet to be found to This Familiar has yet to be found.
  • Changed Cracked OrbCracked Orb description from Curse enemies with increased damage to Enemies hit with the thrown pickaxe take more damage.
  • Changed Key BladeKey Blade description from Gain damage for each key you have to Increases swing damage for each key you have.
  • Changed Potion of PlentyPotion of Plenty effect from Drop some basic items to Drop some useful items.
  • Changed Haunted LocksHaunted Locks effect from Receive a minor curse when using a key to Costs health to use a key.
  • Added Thanksgiving
  • Added Bell (In LocDB only)

Bug Fixes[]

  • Improved landing logic of many entities that would often get stuck on top of torches and statues
  • Fixed an encounter in the mines where an electric crystal would spawn in rocks
  • Fixed an encounter in the mines where an ignited oil field could spawn on or near doors
  • Treasure rooms spawned from Adventurer’s Whip no longer spawn off of secret rooms
  • Black Rabbit no longer loses her talk function when leaving and reentering her secret encounter in the Dungeon
  • Many enemies have had their hitboxes cleaned up and should:
  • No longer get stuck on walls
  • Be easier to attack in some cases
  • Fall into holes more consistently
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes two chests would stack on top of each other when lighting torches in the goldmine
  • Fixed a spinner trap in the Dungeon and Halls that would sometimes move diagonally
  • Pocket GrillPocketGrill no longer tries to cook cooked food that’s been re-rolled into uncooked food
  • Items that proc off resource gain (for example ConductorConductor and Gold ToothGold Tooth) continue to proc even when you’re at max for that type of resource
  • Fixed a display bug with Gold Frenzy that caused it not to reset to 0 when its timer expired
  • Fixed a bug that would cause arrow traps to spawn behind dynamic wall sections
  • Fixed a bug that would cause the Rockpile Mimic to remain idle after transforming
  • Food no longer plays any effect or grants certain achievements if you’re at full health and have the “Pickup food at full health” option disabled
  • Cleaned up a few peasant animation glitches
  • Fixed a crash that could occur when using a shrine with more slots than prayers to fill them
  • Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause the ImpImp’s flamestrike graphic to become stuck on-screen
  • Fixed an autosave issue related to Rainbow KernelsRainbow Kernels


  • There is a much lower chance of transmuting a PilferPilfer into a Hoarding PilferHoarding Pilfer using a TRANSMUT3 machine
  • Lowered the chance that a TRANSMUT3 machine will appear in the shop for each level of the upgrade
  • The cost to use a TRANSMUT3 machine has been increased to 50 health, and increases by 50 health increments
  • Removed chance for enemies to spawn in a small bridge encounter in the Halls of Din
  • SpiderSpiders spawned from Spider Eggs are now considered minions and will not proc certain types of relics that look for enemy death
  • Skeletons swing attack has a smaller hit cone
  • The ignite damage taken from torches has been lowered
  • Ground flames now ignite the target for a uniform 3 seconds
  • You can now escape Selt’s rock cage by jumping out of it (slightly reduced the visual height of the rocks to help indicate this)
  • Reduced the size of the collider on Selt’s body segments
  • Lowered contact damage with Selt’s body segments
  • Altar rooms now have a 50% chance of being locked
  • Decreased the shop cost of TalismanTalisman Gold100 300 > Gold100 275
  • Increased the shop cost of Holy WaterHoly Water Gold100 225 > Gold100 325
  • AegisAegis now lowers base incoming damage by 50% when below 25% health
  • HyperstoneHyperstone now increases base swing speed by 50%
  • Alacrity SerumAlacrity Serum now increases base swing speed by 50%
  • Savagery SerumSavagery Serum now increases base crit chance by 200%
  • Shadow's FangShadow's Fang now increases base crit chance by 200%
  • Cracked OrbCracked Orb now increases base incoming damage by 20%
  • King's CrownKing's Crown now increases base swing damage by 10%, throw size by 0.35, and base throw speed by 40%
  • Queen's CrownQueen's Crown now increases base throw damage by 10%, swing range by 0.4, and base attack speed by 20%
  • Iron BranchIron Branch now increases base health by 10%, base swing damage by 5%, and base swing speed by 10%
  • Mediocre RingMediocre Ring now increases base health by 10%, base swing damage by 5%, and base throw damage by 5%
  • Demon RingDemon Ring now increases base swing damage by 15%
  • GuantesGuantes now increases base throw damage by 15%
  • Ursine RingUrsine Ring now increases base health by 20%
  • Sonic BoomSonic Boom now increases base throw speed by 80%
  • Strength SerumStrength Serum now increases base swing damage by 25%
  • Haunted LocksHaunted Locks now deals damage to the peasant when using a key instead of cursing them
  • Slightly reduced the health of the Spate Flyspate fly
  • Slightly lowered increased health gain from Shaker upgrades
  • Increased the damage of Large EmberLarge Ember
  • Increased the damage of Immolation PotionImmolation Potion

Blessing and Curse changes[]

An explanation on blessing and curse changes: Blessings have been unified to increase the base stats of the peasant by the same amount as an upgrade purchased by Wayland or Dodson. Minor curses are the same, only they reduce your base stats by the same amount a blessing would increase them. Now, for example, if you have a blessing of Strength you gain 4 damage to your swing, but if you have the WeaknessMinor Weakness curse you lose 4 damage. They cancel each other out in this way. Any blessing now cancels out its minor curse equivalent. Major curses are now the equivalent of 2 of their minor counterparts. Overall this makes a lot of the major curses much weaker than before. In general, blessings are marginally more powerful and curses are much weaker.

Modifier Changes[]

Additive multipliers are now added as “base” stats Multiplicative multipliers are multiplied against the “base” stats and then added (What this means is that when you get a curse like Minor FrailtyMinor Frailty (which now reduces your health by 15%) it will be perfectly canceled out by Toughness which increases your health by 15%)

Texture changes[]

  • Changed boss door texture.
  • Changed texture for Haunted Locks from Haunted Locks Revision 2 to Haunted Locks.
  • Changed texture for Seasoned Kernels from Seasoned Kernels Revision 1 to Seasoned Kernels.
  • Changed Chestlock texture.
  • Changed shop map icon texture.
  • Changed some wall textures.
  • Changed Boss entry hole texture.

Other Changes[]

  • Improved support for widescreen resolutions
  • Hole graphics in the Halls to more accurately match their hitboxes
  • Wayland's BootsWayland's Boots now give immunity to LurkerLurker spikes
  • Added a warning to the crafting menu explaining that though you can craft as many Relics, Potions, or Prayers as you want, you will only be allowed to use the first one on your next run
  • Clarified the effect of Cracked OrbCracked Orb
  • Clarified the effect of Key BladeKey Blade
  • Removed the word “basic” from the description of Potion of PlentyPotion of Plenty
  • Improved the chance of finding Kurtz in the Delvemore Dungeon
  • SkeletonSkeletons no longer chase the peasant with their move behavior
  • Changed the sprites for holes in the Halls of Din to better match the area where the peasant will fall into one and to be more consistent with the other zones
  • TickerTickers now perform an initial movement in which they can not activate. This should give the player a small window when entering a new room to reposition before they can explode
  • Bag O’ Bombs has a new icon to better indicate that it is a bag full of bombs
    • Bag O' Bombs Revision 1 > Bag O' Bombs
  • Hoodie now has a new minimap icon
  • Altar rooms are now properly marked with the candle icon instead of Hoodie
  • Recolored Seasoned KernelsSeasoned Kernels to be more distinguishable from Popcorn KernelsPopcorn Kernels
  • Items now have a brief invulnerability period when they first spawn. This will prevent items from instantly dying to your bomb blast if a cursed torch curses you with The Crumbles
  • Cursed torches now curse the source of their death
  • Gold and Thorium are now immune to status effects
  • Gaining or losing max hp now sets your current hp to the same ratio as before. Note that this does not proc items that listen for your current hp to change
  • Sacrifice spikes now only proc if they’ve actually done damage. This means that they cannot be triggered with Wayland's BootsWayland's Boots or an active Nullstone
  • The Canarycanary, Pilferpilfers, and Pilfer RingPilfer Ring no longer try to pick up “costed” gold, for example, golden food for sale in the pilfer shop
  • Pilfer shop items can now be cooked and re-rolled with Transmutagen BlastTransmuatgen Blast. Destroying a shop item now charges you for the cost of the item. As with all items, shop items have 5 hp and take damage in increments of 1
  • Melee attacks are now much more generous if you’re standing on top of the thing you’re trying to hit
  • Flying sparks from an Unstable Barrelexploding barrel now cast a shadow so they’re easier to predict
  • Oil can no longer appear on bridges
  • The lower-left status display can now show up to 60 elements at once
  • Changed the visual effect of Large EmberLarge Ember and Immolation PotionImmolation Potion


Hotfix 1[]


  • fixed a telemetry issue

Hotfix 2[]


  • Unknown
