UnderMine Wiki


Bug Fixes[]

  • Fixed an issue that could cause volume to go over 100% on certain hardware
  • Resolved a UI issue that would cause keyboard hotkey reminders to become very wide
  • Cleaned up a few treasure chests that would continue to sparkle even after opened
  • Fixed a UI bug that caused the buff granted by Battle StandardBattle Standard to always display at level 0
  • Fixed some rendering issues that would cause oil reflections to render strangely in the Golden Core
  • Removed a tiny, invisible light source in Selt’s room
  • Fixed a bug that would allow Ara to block multiple curses if they were acquired on the same frame
  • Fixed an issue that caused the AI to not be able to navigate around the pillars in the Goldmine
  • Solved a problem that caused Dreadful FogDreadful Fog to also double the HP of traps and torches
  • Cleaned up a few issues in the final boss encounter
  • Fixed an issue that caused Arkanos to speak one of Baba’s lines of dialog
  • Fixed a rare issue that could cause you to instantly die if paused while standing on molten gold or electrified water
  • Fixed a data issue that allowed certain legendary relics to be rerolled
  • Restored the bubble effect to molten gold
  • Fixed an ordering problem that could cause you to spawn back in the Hub at 200 hp in certain situations
  • Fixed a data issue that causes Siegfried's AegisSiegfriend’s Aegis to show up in the Journal before you had encountered it
  • Fixed a problem preventing Seer from dropping gold on death
  • Fixed a crash that could be caused by disconnecting and reconnecting a controller while on the input remapper screen
  • Fixed a rare issue with Siegfried's AegisSiegfried’s Aegis that could cause it to make your blessings invulnerable as well
  • Tightened up the Journal pickup logic to prevent a double-pickup animation from playing if you jumped while picking it up
  • Fixed a problem related to killing an interactable on the same frame as you interact with it that could cause your input to become stuck, leading to an eventual crash
  • Fixed some issues with the facing direction of the CrossbowmanCrossbowman
  • Resolved a longstanding issue that would allow you to light torches just by touching them, as long as your thrown pickaxe was ignited at the time
  • Fixed an issue with the entity recycler that prevented Loaded Rats and Ardor PriestArdor Priests from spawning
  • Dungeon statues now have 1 hp instead of 20
  • [Mac] Fixed an issue that would cause Noori’s room to be completely black on certain graphics cards
  • [Xbox, Windows Store] Crawlspaces no longer show an additional Chaos icon on the minimap
  • [Windows Store] Tier 1 of multi-tier achievements can now be more reliably earned. If you had previously missed one of these achievements, it should automatically be granted to you the next time you start the application
  • [Windows Store] The login process has been improved to allow players to more reliably progress past the title screen

Balance Changes[]

  • Birthing PodBirthing Pod now requires a recipe to unlock. If Birthing PodBirthing Pod is already unlocked on your save file, it will still be unlocked after updating.
  • CraftsmanshipCraftsmanship is now unlocked by default
  • AraAra buff duration has been reduced
  • Canis MajorCanis Major buff duration has been reduced and crit chance growth has been lowered
  • The Spirit hatchling appears in the same Halls library room that the Dusty Book is found in
  • The unlock cost for numerous relics, potions, blessings, and familiars has been lowered
  • Curse-blocking effects such as AraAra and DollDoll no longer block indestructible curses

Unlock Cost Changes[]

The thorium cost to unlock these familiars has decrease[]

Familiar Before After
DjinnDjinn Thorium3 150 Thorium3 100
EidolonEidolon Thorium3 225 Thorium3 175
NikkoNikko Thorium3 200 Thorium3 80
Sol's PhoenixSol's Phoenix Thorium3 225 Thorium3 90
SpiritSpirit Thorium3 130 Thorium3 70
ThunderbirdThunderbird Thorium3 175 Thorium3 70
Chaos SpawnChaos Spawn Thorium3 300 Thorium3 200
Lesser DemonLesser Demon Thorium3 250 Thorium3 150
SylphSylph Thorium3 180 Thorium3 120

The thorium cost to craft these items has be lowered[]

Item Before After
Aphotic CharmAphotic Charm Thorium3 24 Thorium3 18
Apprentice's TinctureApprentice's Tincture Thorium3 16 Thorium3 12
Berserker's PendantBerserker's Pendant Thorium3 25 Thorium3 20
Bottled PilferBottled Pilfer Thorium3 26 Thorium3 22
Caustic VialCaustic Vial Thorium3 34 Thorium3 24
Churchbell NectarChurchbell Nectar Thorium3 30 Thorium3 16
CoffeeCoffee Thorium3 16 Thorium3 10
CraftsmanshipCraftsmanship Thorium3 40 -
Cure AllCure All Thorium3 50 Thorium3 30
Electrified OrbElectrified Orb Thorium3 40 Thorium3 30
FerocityFerocity Thorium3 60 Thorium3 30
Ghostly IchorGhostly Ichor Thorium3 30 Thorium3 18
GustGust Thorium3 60 Thorium3 40
Kiss of the SuccubusKiss of the Succubus Thorium3 40 Thorium3 20
Large EmberLarge Ember Thorium3 24 Thorium3 20
Lava WalkersLava Walkers Thorium3 34 Thorium3 26
MapMap Thorium3 26 Thorium3 20
Midas TouchMidas Touch Thorium3 40 Thorium3 20
Mighty HurlMighty Hurl Thorium3 55 Thorium3 35
Potion of True SightPotion of True Sight Thorium3 12 Thorium3 8
Rat BondRat Bond Thorium3 26 Thorium3 15
RegenerationRegeneration Thorium3 80 Thorium3 65
Remote DetonatorRemote Detonator Thorium3 65 Thorium3 30
Selt's BloodSelt's Blood Thorium3 20 Thorium3 10
Selt's EggSelt's Egg Thorium3 30 Thorium3 15
Slow MetabolismSlow Metabolism Thorium3 55 Thorium3 20
Starlight SipStarlight Sip Thorium3 50 Thorium3 28
U-235U-235 Thorium3 75 Thorium3 60

The thorium cost for Birthing PodBirthing Pod was added at Thorium3 50

Other Changes[]

  • The graphics options screen now has a Vsync option that’s disabled by default
  • Birthing PodBirthing Pod now overrides the “Food consumed at full health” option
  • Selt larvae eggs that are spawned by the player are now invulnerable
  • The treasure chests from Black Rabbit’s chest game are now recyclable
  • Your Gold Integrity stat is now visible in the Othermine
  • Enemies can now spawn in a particular rail bridge encounter in the Goldmine
  • BoboBobo can no longer destroy items on the same frame that they are dropped from a rock

Hotfix 1[]

