UnderMine Wiki
UnderMine Wiki

Camilla, Second Disciplinarian and WHIP[]

Welcome to WHIP peasant! Camilla has occupied Arkanos’ empty library and has a new motivational strategy. The Worker’s Helpful Incentive Program, or WHIP for short, is a daily run mode. Each day Camilla will present you with a random set of hexes, items, and a familiar. Your job is to run either Undermine or Othermine and score the highest score you can. Your best run will be placed on a daily leaderboard against other players. See if you can score the highest!


There is now a log in the journal that stores information about recent runs. See past runs in both Undermine and Othermine. See what their seed was, how much gold was collected, which enemies were defeated, and in the case of WHIP, how high a score was achieved.

Familiar Styles[]

Each familiar now has an alternate style that can be toggled at a magic mirror in Griswold’s room. Familiar styles can be unlocked by scoring over 100,000 points and completing a WHIP run with a particular familiar.

New Items:[]


  • Pale LikenessPale Likeness - A familiar that is unlocked after defeating Din. The Pale Likeness tends to do more harm than good.
  • Murderous QueenMurderous Queen - A familiar unlocked by defeating the Plunder King in the Bog. The Murderous Queen attacks enemies with poison projectiles and spawns powerful healing blessings called Drop of HoneyDrops of Honey.





  • AmnesiaAmnesia - All your relics are destroyed after defeating a boss
  • StarvationStarvation - Penance heals, but food and healing potions no longer drop
  • NemesisNemesis - Become prey
  • StasisStasis - Items are tapped in crystal
  • BlasphemyBlasphemy - Altars are reversed
  • AccursedAccursed - All shop items are cursed


Balance Changes:[]

Bug Fixes:[]

  • Fixed graphic tiling issues in the entrance to Ponzu’s boss fight
  • Fixed an issue with Ponzu’s bubble splash attack that prevented it from dealing damage
  • Major improvements to Vorpal BladeVorpal Blade's hit detection and facing lock at high attack speeds
  • Vorpal BladeVorpal Blade is now better behaved when nullified
  • Fixed a small reflection problem on the walls in the Cavern
  • Tus no longer accepts credit
  • Tus no longer queues his actions, allowing you to donate to him twice with clever timing tricks
  • Familiar tooltip now highlights the third ability if the familiar is level 3
  • Unsealed UrnCursed Jars are now affected by Midas TouchMidas Potion and Kiss of the SuccubusKiss of the Succubus
  • Rabbit GlovesRabbit Gloves now make all items in the shop free until an item is purchased
  • Salamander's WrathSalamander's Wrath and VenomousVenomous now only proc off of physical damage to avoid a “death loop”
  • Gecko BlastGecko Blast more reliably gathers items and hopefully won’t cause them to clip through the floor any more
  • CircinusCircinus now works in the first room of each zone
  • Master PickaxeMaster Pickaxe beams no longer “double tap” bombs, causing them to launch backwards
  • Fixed a minor graphical error when moving into a room with FirebatFirebats
  • Bog arrow traps no longer scale their health in Othermine
  • Pilfer Credit Card Black EditionBlack Credit Card is no longer allowed on the relic altar
  • Fixed an issue where the portal to the final room would not spawn if Seer was killed too quickly
  • Fixed an issue that caused the invisible door blockers to not spawn correctly in doorways that had been opened with a bomb blast
  • Noori's portals are now more visible if spawned behind him
  • Sweaty PalmsSweaty Palms and Sweaty FingersFingers no longer queue damage events to keep procing after the damage has stopped
  • AraAra will now block curses before DollDoll does
  • Blessing, Curse, and Hex audio now only play a single instance to avoid a volume increase
  • Fixed a graphical issue that would cause your pickaxe’s trail to continue to render across the screen when transitioning rooms
  • Fixed some exit issues with Core encounters
  • Fixed an issue that could cause PenancePenance to not show as “discovered” in the JournalJournal
  • Selt can no longer pick up bombs after dying
  • Black Rabbit chest game has been fixed to no longer leave floating locked chains if you pull the lever that destroys the chests
  • Caustic VialCaustic Vial now detonates even if the enemy was killed in one attack
  • Fixed some numeric font consistencies across different languages
  • Fixed a display issue that could cause your windowed resolution to get stuck at 1x1

Other Changes:[]

  • Bosses now appear on every run. The Summoning Stonesummoning stone can still be obtained by defeating all bosses on a single run.
  • The run seed is now displayed on pause menu and the game over screen
  • All constellation relics now mention that they are temporary
  • Red-Hot NuggetsRed Hot Nuggets now has a visual effect applied to gold
  • Spatial SicknessSpatial Sickness now uses the unified warp effect
  • Tus now has a Banjopet
  • Many changes have been made to how random events occur. Most things now obey the run seed, making runs far more deterministic.
  • The shortcut between the Dungeon and Halls is now permanent if the player opens it
  • You can no longer pickup potions while drinking
  • NetherNether can now be crafted at the Gatekeeper by default, no longer requires a blueprint
  • TentTent now restores the player to full health and is no longer considered a heal
  • Large enemies will fall into pits less often
  • Removed proc audio from MushroomMushroom
  • Removed proc audio from SagittaSagitta
  • Removed the delay between peeping a Skeleton (object)skeleton and it dropping treasure
  • Reduced the amount of decimals displayed on the stats tooltip
  • When Sho'guul runs out of legendary relics he will offer Hot Cross BunHot Crossed Buns
  • Rook's FishRook and Bishop's FishBish Fish should spawn less frequently
  • Large EmberLarge Ember, Phoenix’s RadianceRadiance, and Immolation PotionImmolate have had their visual effect changed to better indicate their radius
  • ResurrectionResurrection now has audio
  • CraftsmanshipCraftsmanship and Sewing KitSewing Kit will no longer drop if the goldsack has been fully upgraded (unless they have never been discovered)
