UnderMine Wiki

Black Rabbit is a character in UnderMine. She only appears on runs and can host different rooms.


Oh ho ho! You have entered Black Rabbit's super special, totally-not-rigged, lottery!Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Oh ho ho! You have entered Black Rabbit's super special, totally-not-rigged, lottery!
One lever does nothing! One lever blows everything up! One lever lowers the wall and you go home rich! Do you dare pay to play?Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
One lever does nothing! One lever blows everything up! One lever lowers the wall and you go home rich! Do you dare pay to play?
As always peasant friend... it was a pleasure doing business with you.

Stay safe. I like my business associates alive and in one piece.


It's better for business that way.

Okay, see you around!Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
As always peasant friend... it was a pleasure doing business with you.

Stay safe. I like my business associates alive and in one piece.


It's better for business that way.

Okay, see you around!

When you sell Lucky CharmLucky Charm

Hey! This looks familiar. Where did you get it? Oh nevermind...Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Hey! This looks familiar. Where did you get it? Oh nevermind...

When you sell Wayland's BootsWayland's Boots

Ah wayland, you did always go overboard with your creations. Ah! Ahem... anyways...Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Ah wayland, you did always go overboard with your creations. Ah! Ahem... anyways...

When you sell Rabbit GlovesRabbit Gloves

Hey! These were my favorite pair. Where did you get these? Oh nevermind...Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Portrait Black RabbitBlack Rabbit
Hey! These were my favorite pair. Where did you get these? Oh nevermind...


She will offer the player the Lucky Charm blueprint for Gold25 25 the first time they encounter her.

BlackRabbitRoom1 BlackRabbitRoom2

Afterwards, she can be found in the following rooms:

  • A room with 2 chests and 3 levers, surrounded by unbreakable blocks. The player can spend Gold10Gold to pull the levers; one lever will do nothing, another destroys the chests, and the last one removes the blocks, allowing access to the chests.
  • A room with 9 chests in the middle. The player can pay Gold10Gold to pick up 3 out of 9 chests, which contain different rewards. The rewards can be seen dropping into the chest before shuffling; the chests are shuffled together, making it impossible to follow a single chest. The rewards include Gold, Schematics, Thorium, Relics, a Pilfer, Potions, and more.
    • Despite the player being shown specific items inserted into each of the nine chests before they're shuffled—implying that the rewards are limited to those nine items—the actual contents of an individual chest can be entirely different. In other words: Black Rabbit has rigged the game. Caveat emptor.
  • A Shop, which can take keys, bombs, or health as currency instead of Gold; these prices are unaffected by BrittlenessBrittleness, VulnerableVulnerable, or FortitudeFortitude. Items for sale include keys, bombs, Talismans, Potions, Blessings, Food, and Relics. The player can also sell one relic to her for gold. The Meal TicketMeal Ticket can spawn free food in her shop. The Rabbit GlovesRabbit Gloves do not work.
    • Another shop may appear on the same floor in a secret room. She will sell different items in each shop.
  • The Lab (appears in Othermine only), where one can pull a lever to spawn basic items, potions or gold.

Relics such as LeftoversLeftovers and MiniaturizerMiniaturizer work on her chest minigame.

The curses Empty CoffersEmpty Coffers and MetamfiezomaiophobiaMetamfiezomaiophobia do not affect the chests.

Relics can be sold for gold by speaking with her in one of her shops. The relic is chosen by the player and only one can be sold per encounter.



Ach blackrabbit Is This a Friend?
Met Black Rabbit


VersionAdditions and Changes
0.0.0Added Black Rabbit.
0.1.0Fixed an issue where blueprints lingered in Black Rabbit's chest game.
Fixed a German localization issue preventing you from joining the Pilfer Loyalty Program or playing Black Rabbit’s treasure chest minigame.
0.1.2Black Rabbit’s chest game or the Pilfer Loyalty Program are now declined if you close their dialog with the close button.
0.1.3Made Black Rabbit 56% cuter.
Black Rabbit should be able to talk now during secret shop encounters.
In her initial encounter, Black Rabbit no longer overlaps her dialog with an urgent popup.
0.2.1Black Rabbit no longer loses her talk function when leaving and reentering her secret encounter in the Dungeon.
0.2.2Black Rabbit’s lever game chest spawn position has been fixed.
0.3.0Fixed a bug where the cost of Black Rabbit’s lever game was not scaling.
Fixed some issues causing Black Rabbit’s lever game chests to spawn in the wrong position.
0.3.1Fixed the cost scaling of Black Rabbit’s lever game.
0.4.1Removed Spooky Skin.
Added XMas-Skin.
0.4.2Fixed an issue that would cause Black Rabbit’s lever game to be unwinnable.
The price to play Black Rabbit’s chest game now scales with the zone.
0.5.0Black Rabbit will now buy relics from you in her shop. Got a relic that isn’t doing it for you? Need some spare gold? This is the option for you.
Black Rabbit now drops the Lucky CharmLucky Charm blueprint when you first meet her.
0.5.1Fixed an issue where Black Rabbit referred to the female peasant with “bristly one.” Unfortunately there was no translation for this line and it will appear in English until our next localization round.
0.5.2Resolved a crash that could occur when talking to Black Rabbit in Korean.
0.6.0Fixed an issue that caused Black Rabbit’s Lever Game to usually be the rightmost lever.
Black Rabbit will remark when selling her familiar relics.
1.0.1The treasure chests from Black Rabbit’s chest game are now recyclable.
1.2.0Black Rabbit chest game has been fixed to no longer leave floating locked chains if you pull the lever that destroys the chests.


She names herself Black Rabbit the Adorable, Mother of Critters, Queen of the Tavern, and Destroyer of Hot Cross BunHot Cross Buns.

When comparing the item descriptions for Lucky CharmLucky Charm, LockpickLockpick, and Lucky LockpickLucky Lockpick- it is implied that her true name is Olivia and that she grew up as a street urchin.

