UnderMine Wiki

Boss(es) are greater enemies of the Peasant. These enemies are stronger than the usual ones and also come with a set of dirty tricks, which makes them harder to beat. They can be skipped using different methods. However, skipping them has a penalty, as you cannot Ascend.

Selt, Queen of Sand

Selt, Queen of Sand

… a worm-like boss which can be found at the end of the Goldmine in Sand Pit arena.
Mortar, Charged Golem

Mortar, Charged Golem

… a golem-like boss which can be found at the end of Delvemore Dungeon in Flooded Crater arena.
Noori, Spectre of Darkness

Noori, Spectre of Darkness

… a shadow-like boss which can be found at the end of Halls of Din in Nowhere arena.
Ponzu, Scaled Assembly

Ponzu, Scaled Assembly

… a hydra-like boss which can be found at the end of the Shimmering Caverns in Hydra's Rest arena.
Seer, World's Heart

Seer, World's Heart

… a lizard-like boss which can be found at the end of Golden Core in Slag Vault arena.
Plunder King

Plunder King

… a giant corrupt pilfer boss which can be found at the end of the Contested Bog in Treasure Trove arena.
Din, the Old King

Din, the Old King

… an old god, whose area can be unlocked after defeating the five other bosses.

Mini boss(es) are unique enemies of the Peasant. These enemies are strong but can be defeated only once. They guard upgrades and progress of the game.

Mini Bosses
Rockpile Mimic

Rockpile Mimic

… a half mimic, half gargoyle mini boss which can be found in the Goldmine.

Dungeon Gargoyles

… a group of gargoyles guarding a key. They can be found in the Delvemore Dungeon.
Portrait Bathcat


… a priest guarding gates to the Delvemore Dungeon with Toadvine by their side.
Portrait Toadvine


… a footman guarding gates to the Delvemore Dungeon with Bathcat by his side.


VersionAdditions and Changes
1.2.0Changed boss spawning mechanics from a defeated boss will not appear again until you Ascend to bosses now appear on every run. Summoning StoneSummoning Stone can still be obtained by defeating all bosses on a single run.


  • Bosses will appear every run even if you defeated them in a previous run.
  • It is possible to unlock the final boss without beating all of the bosses in a single run, but in order to Ascend, you need to beat all bosses in a single run.
  • Pilfers will not appear in bosses' rooms; therefore, it is a good place for Potions such as Auglycerin and Chest in a Bottle.
  • Bosses get harder and harder each time you Ascend.
  • They do not appear in the Journal or Bestiary, but will appear at the end of a run as a killed Enemy.