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The Dungeon Gargoyles are a group of four GargoyleGargoyles that protect the Master's KeyMaster's Key and must be defeated in order to unlock Lillyth. They are encountered in a small ! room inside Delvemore Dungeon as 4 stationary Gargoyles.

The doors lock after entering the room. Approaching the Master's KeyMaster's Key causes the surrounding blocks to rise and the Gargoyles to awaken. All four must be defeated to unlock the key. Like normal Gargoyles, they can turn into stone to heal themselves and are vulnerable to explosive damage. Once defeated they will never be encountered on future runs.



Ach gargoyles Stone Is Never Just Stone
Defeated the Dungeon Gargoyles

See also[]


  • The player can approach the nearer two Gargoyles and blow them up before starting the room.
  • Having a BombBomb Relic such as Rook's BombRook's Bomb or aiming the bomb with a pickaxe can kill all the gargoyles without having to fight them.
  • The Master's KeyMaster's Key cannot be picked up until the gargoyles are defeated. If you have teleported into the walled section via Spatial SicknessSpatial Sickness you must stand close enough to the wall to be hit by another attack and teleported out to continue the fight.