UnderMine Wiki

Hex Loot is a type of Loot Table.

This table is used for determining what the chances are that a given Hex will appear in a WHIP.

The chances of getting each Hex can be seen below

Chance Loot Odds
8.82% Chaotic OfferingChaotic Offering
0% Rogue's UltimatumRogue's Ultimatum
8.82% StasisStasis
8.82% Dreadful FogDreadful Fog
8.82% Unending DesolationUnending Desolation
5.88% FrostbiteFrostbite
8.82% Red-Hot NuggetsRed-Hot Nuggets
5.88% NemesisNemesis
2.94% Adventurer's PerilAdventurer's Peril
8.82% StarvationStarvation
5.88% AmnesiaAmnesia
8.82% Siegfried's TormentSiegfried's Torment
8.82% AccursedAccursed
8.82% BlasphemyBlasphemy