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Article-Holy Guacamole

Holy GuacamoleHoly Guacamole is a relic item in UnderMine.

Holy Guacamole makes an additional altar room spawn whenever an altar room is generated. This item's effect can be game-breaking when used in combination with certain other items, namely InverterInverter and DevotionDevotion, and the familiar SylphSylph.



  • SylphSylph: More altar rooms will dramatically increase the effectiveness of Sylph.
  • Lesser DemonLesser Demon: Holy Guacamole allows the peasant to acquire more curses and feed Lesser Demon, provided they do not have DollDoll or AraAra.
  • DevotionDevotion: Holy Guacamole will increase the effectiveness of Devotion by increasing the amount of altars the peasant can pray at.
  • AraAra: Ara will allow the peasant to gain a blessing at the second altar for free.
  • Kurtz' StacheKurtz' Stache: Extra altars will allow the peasant to pop Kurtz' Stache faster, provided they do not have DollDoll or AraAra.
  • NullstoneNullstone: The extra room will allow the peasant to obtain an addition nullstone bubble.
  • InverterInverter: lost curses become blessings, extra altars means more curses and more chances to PenancePenance

Minor Positive[]

  • Doom BladeDoom Blade: Extra curses from praying will increase Doom Blade's effectiveness.
  • Twisted BladeTwisted Blade: Extra curses from praying will increase Twisted Blade's effectiveness.
  • Totem of LifeTotem of Life: The extra room will allow the peasant to gain additional health with Totem of Life.
  • DjinnDjinn: The extra room gives Djinn the chance to give the peasant an additional gift.


VersionAdditions and Changes
0.0.0Added Holy Guacamole.
0.5.0Changed rarity from Common to Rare.
This item is no longer sold in the shop.
Changed shop cost from Gold100 375 to Gold100 400.


  • During development, the craft costs were set to Thorium3 10
Unique Bomb
Unique Boot
Unique Swing
Unique Bomb