The Strange Mimic is an enemy in UnderMine. It masquerades as a Thorium Chest until it is attacked or interacted with. It attacks the player by leaping at them. It can be distinguished from a normal Thorium Chest from its redder sparkles or observing it shuddering when a
Potion of True Sight is consumed.
It is not damaged by Relics such as the Large Ember or the
Lightning Bomb's electricity until it is revealed. It will reveal itself if it is standing in burning oil or electrified water.
When killed it drops the same contents as the chest it was mimicking.
Strange Mimic spawn rate increases significantly if the player is afflicted with Metamfiezomaiophobia. If the player is cursed with
Empty Coffers, all closed thorium Chests are Strange Mimics. They will still drop their normal chest loot.
It does not drop food if the player has Leftovers.
Changelog | |
Version | Additions and Changes |
0.4.0 | Added Strange Mimic. |