UnderMine Wiki

The WHIP is UnderMine's daily challenge mode. This mode is located in the west room of the hub (referred to as "Arkanos’ Library"). It is unlocked when the player completes the 5 main zones and defeats Arkanos, the Archmage/Din, the Old King through the main gate in the north room of the Hub known as the Terminal.

The mode is described by the update notes in the following fashion:

Welcome to WHIP peasant! Camilla has occupied Arkanos’ empty library and has a new motivational strategy. The Worker’s Helpful Incentive Program, or WHIP for short, is a daily run mode. Each day Camilla will present you with a random set of hexes, items, and a familiar. Your job is to run either Undermine or Othermine and score the highest score you can. Your best run will be placed on a daily leaderboard against other players. See if you can score the highest!

How it Works[]

The WHIP is initiated by speaking to Camilla, Second Disciplinarian. She will explain how the WHIP works the first time you speak to her:

Hello peasant, my name is Camilla. Welcome to my program.

It is named the Worker's Helpful Incentive Program, or WHIP for short. Nothing compares to a WHIP when one needs to motivate a workforce. You see, in my experience, competition and challenge bring out the best in people. Check in with me every day to see what the current assignment is. If you choose to accept it, I'll score you on your performance. After you complete your assignment or heaven forbid, die trying, I'll rank you against your peers. The peasants at the top will have my glowing adoration. Well ""adoration"" is a strong word. Admiration? No, not that either. Ah yes! My acknowledgement... ...of your existence. In addition to my loving acknowledgement there may also be a prize waiting for you at the bottom of the Undermine.

That is if you reach a certain score of course.Portrait Camilla, Second DisciplinarianCamilla, Second Disciplinarian
Portrait Camilla, Second DisciplinarianCamilla, Second Disciplinarian
Hello peasant, my name is Camilla. Welcome to my program.

It is named the Worker's Helpful Incentive Program, or WHIP for short. Nothing compares to a WHIP when one needs to motivate a workforce. You see, in my experience, competition and challenge bring out the best in people. Check in with me every day to see what the current assignment is. If you choose to accept it, I'll score you on your performance. After you complete your assignment or heaven forbid, die trying, I'll rank you against your peers. The peasants at the top will have my glowing adoration. Well ""adoration"" is a strong word. Admiration? No, not that either. Ah yes! My acknowledgement... ...of your existence. In addition to my loving acknowledgement there may also be a prize waiting for you at the bottom of the Undermine.

That is if you reach a certain score of course.

Her words do a pretty good job of summing up how WHIP works and what it is. However, the main points are that it is a challenge run where you are given an item preset, a familiar, and some hexes, and your goal is to maximize the number of points you get. A guide is available on the wiki for how to get higher points in WHIP.

WHIP bulletin[]

The WHIP bulletin is a condensed version of the whip showing the player exactly what items the current whip will give, and how long before it switches over to the next one (WHIPs currently last for 24hrs). A sample bulletin can be seen below:

Sample WHIP bulletin

This whip is listed as having 19 hours and 36 minutes left to run at the time of screenshot and will give the FrostbiteFrostbite Hex, the familiar is Pale LikenessPale Likeness and the item preset is RecyclerRecycler and Empty CoffersEmpty Coffers.


The main point of the WHIP is to introduce a competitive spirit to running the game; since everyone starts off the run on even footing, it's a great environment for testing your skills against other players, and since the leaderboard resets every day, there's always another chance to try and grab a top spot.

There's no reward for getting a top ranked position; however, WHIP is the only way to unlock Familiar Styles. These are skins for the different familiars that can only be obtained through the WHIP. In order to get one, you must make it to the Endroom with greater than 100,000 points. The 100k points threshold is definitely achievable on almost every whip preset. Some are much more difficult than others, and it is recommended to review the WHIP guide if you are having difficulty overcoming that threshold. When the player reaches the Endroom with a score of greater than 100k points, the Style SchematicStyle Schematic will drop on the ground and must be picked up to unlock the new style for your familiar. Only one blueprint will drop for the familiar that is set in the bulletin; if the player has gotten a second familiar during the run using Birthing PodBirthing Pod, the blueprint for that familiar will not drop. When the familiar style has been unlocked, it can be changed at any time using the Small Magic Mirror.

Differences in gameplay[]

  • Achievements are disabled; No progress can be made toward earning achievements in the WHIP mode.
  • The number of Rainbow KernelsRainbow Kernels and All-PotionAll Potions that can be found in a WHIP is restricted to 1. They are removed from all item pools after they have been found once. This is because Potion Looping can lead to a player maxing out the score while taking a lot of time to do it, which is counter to the intended gameplay flow for the game-mode and leaves players unable to compete if they don't use that strategy.
  • All items are unlocked, no matter what blueprints you have chosen to unlock or not unlock in the normal game. WHIP will temporarily unlock all the items so that the item pools start the same.
  • An item preset is given to the player at the beginning of the run; these presets are meant to give you a chance to try out different types of builds and see how they work.
  • The run is a set seed run. This means that each time it is ran, the layout should be the same, and there will also be similar enemies spawning. This also makes it possible to build the same build multiple times.


VersionAdditions and Changes
1.2.0Added WHIP.
1.2.1Added 25 new WHIP starting item packages.